Homemade Cookies :)

Today was a rainy, rainy day so we all hopped on the quad in the rain (Sophie fell asleep- on the quad, in the rain) and picked up all the necessities for some homemade chocolate chip cookies. Sophie loved helping put the flour in, crack the eggs (she calls them eyes when they are cracked b/c they look like two eyeballs), and of course put in (and eat) the choc chips. Below are pics. Last night before bed Daddy yelled in from the kitchen “Momma, you want a cookie” and i said no because I already brushed my teeth. Not even two minutes later Sophie hopped off the bed and said “Go get dada”. She then ditched me, walked out into the kitchen and said “Dada, Cook-a”. He broke off a small piece and handed it to her and she pulled her hand away and said “No dada, biiiiiiiig cook-a (meaning give me the whole cookie punk)”. Maybe that is why she was up until 11pm last night :).

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