Every night around 8pm (and i say 8pm loosely) we start wind down time. You alert everyone in the house that it is wind down time and we need to turn down the lights and get your little station ready. You like to lay on a towel on the bed with the ipad and an apple. Then you usually convince one of us to tickle you and get a little rowdy before you finally really “wind down” and conk. Anyway, tonight i am posting this b/c i think you set a record. We were winding down and you asked for a second apple b/c you demolished your first one. Daddy got you a second one and I as i thought back on the day i realize that this is actually your 3rd apple of the day!! I dont know that you have ever downed 3 apples in one day before. You will actually eat an apple down the the seeds and start handing us the seeds. Here’s to hoping an apple a day really keeps the dr. away b/c you have surely got that covered. XO