Well today was possibly our last check up before we meet you, and Dr. Paer said you were ummm rather large! I was hoping you would be a little smaller than your 9lb 1oz sis but the sono says you are already about 8 1/2lbs and we still have a little over 2 weeks to go until due date! Luckily other than ginorms, you are looking perfectly healthy and your head is down. In fact he said you are so low that your head is like a cork in my pelvis and I prob won’t even know when my water breaks b/c your head is plugging up all the space. Clearly this is why you are sending shooting pains down my inner thigh and lower back. You are also kindly kicking me in my ribs like a little mad woman. Sophie loved seeing you on the screen and has been talking about you all night. She is convinced you ate too many mangoes and this is why you are so large. She also said she can hear your heart beat in my belly and apparently you are in her belly too and kicking. We love you soooo much and peeing every 5 minutes, getting kicked in the ribs, feeling like i have a brick about to fall out of me…is all worth it in the end! So far you have only blessed me with 22 extra lbs so at least if you are as ginorms as they say, you will take most of this weight with you when you enter the world. Now please just come maybe a week earlier (no sooner) and 1 push or 2…i mean if you’re hanging that low for this long the least you can do is kindly slip out? pleeeeaaaaaaaaassssssssssse. We love you so much and are so excited to meet you!!!