Today we had our check up for sweet Sabi! Momma is 3 cm dilated and Sabi is looking great! Dr. Paer did a membrane sweep and hopefully that moves things along a bit quicker. Her head is looking like a normal size and she didn’t get any bigger which is good b/c she is now measuring at 9lbs. He actually pushed his head with his finger b/c she is so low down. This girl is ready to come out! Her umbilical cord is around her neck so we will monitor during labor to make sure it doesn’t cause any issue but overall it was a fantastic report and we are all so excited to meet our new addition!! Nana got to meet Dr. Paer and really liked him as well. Let’s get this show on the road. Mommy is cramping and def. nesting so hopefully these are all good signs.
In other news, Charles got a good report from the vet that he is blessed with parasites which is far better than the alternative colon problem or stomach cancer. He is on his first dose of antibiotic and hopefully by the time Sabi comes he will stop leaking anal nasties all over the house. Pooks and I just gave him a bath so he’ll smell all sweet for his new lil sis which I am sure he will be thrilled to meet- lol. We also got report that the rest of our gang are doing great back in ST. Betsy has been hanging with a doggy pal and Lulu is just being her sweet little kitty self. Today we ran into our neighbor from ST parking across from us at the mall in Escazu…randomness!! Ok that is all to report for now. Had a great italian lunch which would more than hold me over if lil Sabi decided to make an arrival tonight – just sayin.