Happy 12th Birthday Sissy Lou

Oh my sweet Sissy lou, your last birthday as a pre-teen. 12 flipping years gone in a blink! To say I am proud of you feels like the world’s biggest understatement. I don’t even think there is a word to describe how impressed I am by you.

You are for sure one of the kindest people on this planet. You have the most empathetic heart and wisest soul. You are constantly aware of how others around you are feeling, and just your presence makes others around you feel warmer. You have a light that radiates wherever you go.

You’ve grown so much, both mentally and physically. You’re very impressed by your physical growth (which is beautiful), but I am most impressed by your mental growth. Your ability to adapt to any situation, language, and country. Your openness to making all sorts of friends and try all new activities. Your adventurous spirit to jump into freezing water from all different heights. Your maternal spirit to protect and love your little sisters with all you have inside. Your creative spirit to write imaginative books, make incredible drawings, and develop clever video games/ animations. Your athletic/competitive spirit to take on new sports in a foreign language. And I think one of the biggest achievements I’ve seen in the past year is your ability to laugh at yourself, and make light of situations. This is all due to the confidence you have developed in being YOU!

Everything that makes you- you is beautiful! The ability to know this, and appreciate this is one that attracts people to you. It is one that so many people on this planet don’t have, and one that I hope you keep tight forever. You have such a healthy sense of confidence and balance of comfort with who you are, without being too cocky to learn from others. This trait attracts so many people to you, because your comfort within makes them feel comfortable. As and adult this is rare to find, and as a preteen it is even more impressive!

I say this every birthday, but every birthday it is even more true than the one before- This world is lucky to have you in it. You will light up so many lives along the way, and anyone who gets to be your friend will be better for just knowing you.

I am so thankful to have been the lucky Momma that brought you into this world 12 years ago. You’re welcome world. You can repay me by making sure this unicorn is surrounded by love and happiness her entire life. This is all i wish for you, and I know you will be. Your soul is deep, your heart is true, your mind is beautiful, and you are perfectly weird. Keep those happy hands wailing strong!!!!!!!!! LYAOFWAMHMTAFF

Around the house and Gary the goat escapes for a visit!!!

Down the block there is a goat with a goat house that is always tied up. Every time we pass him he is Maaahhhhhing to say hello. One time Will and I were running and we had to untangle the goat b/c he got stuck in some rubbish. I named him Gary. We all say hi to Gary when we drive/walk/run by him.

The kids tend to think i am a witch b/c I say things and then they magically happen- like that time in Norway when i said ugh I wish we’d find a cat,  and just 2 minutes later a cat walked up and let us pick it up. Anyways, I always say one day i’ll rescue Gary. He will find us. This was that day.

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and all of a sudden Gary’s Maaahhhhhhhh sounded a lot closer than usual. I looked out the window and there was Gary in the farm in front walking around in a panic with a rope and metal post dragging behind him. I sent the girls to go get him since it isn’t the easiest to do with Maru. He started following them to our house, but a truck passed by and scared him so he ran off into the neighbors yard. We have bushes and a mesh type fence that separate our yards, but obviously the kids know where the hole is…b/c i mean that is a kid’s job.

You might guess that i went into that hole and started maaahhhhhhing with my ass up in the air to lure Gary into our yard through the little hole. If you did guess that, you were correct! It is an image that Will set will forever be embedded into his memory.

Of course Gary came on over b/c clearly he’s been searching for us his entire goat life. We untied his rope and he had a run around our yard. Toobs was so excited and no one could believe that Gary was in our yard.

This lasted 5 minutes, then we heard the quad. The farmer was driving all around looking for Gary. We considered hiding him, but oh that Gary mahhhhhh…i’d have to gag him. Will went off to let the farmer know that Gary was in our yard. We were all conflicted about it, but obviously had no where to put Gary, and in the end ugh i hate to say it, but the farmer was super nice! He took the girls on a quad ride, and in the end went into his house and got them ice cream cones. Will walked Gary home and now he is back in his yard. He has a horse friend the past week so hopefully that helps his loneliness.

Part of me wishes the farmer was an a-hole so I could just steal Gary, bring him to Pico and not think twice, but that wasn’t the case. It is just the culture and mindset and I can only hope that changes as the years pass. He was a really nice guy, and while i hate that Gary isn’t free to roam all over, I do know that there are much worse situations he could be in. At least they built him a little house i guess.

Love ya Gary…who may be a girl, but too late for the name change.