We’ll we are back in San Jose for our 2nd Dr. appt. Sophie has got this trip down now and was such a little angel to travel with. She was so good yesterday that we drove straight to her bouncy and started to play as soon as we got to SJ. After the bouncy we went to the mall to play in her two favorite toy stores and then came back to finally check into the hotel.
Once we settled in we hopped right back out to her favorite restaurant (Applebees) and Sophie got her famous apple balloon (which she later let go of and the wind blew it into a field where daddy went to retrieve it and save the day and as soon as he got to it the balloon popped- ha!). The waitress said Bye Sophie when we were leaving the restaurant and i said say bye Sophie and Sophie turned around and said “Bye. Thank you for the dinner. Ciao”. Hahahaha!! She is too much lately. The other day we were at the bank in ST and the clerk said Bye Sophie and Sophie turned around and said “Bye. Im going with my daddy”.
Anyway, we wrapped up our day at another park next to Applebees where Sophie climbed up and down a slide and pushed daddy down about 50 times. She then proceeded to climb a picnic table and fell over the bench and under the table so by that point she had finally reached her dirt/bruise quota for the day and we headed back to call it a night.
Today is our appt to check on the little rugrat in the belly an hopefully all is going great. Will update later. I took a pic this morning of my belly b/c it was looking a bit like someone was camping out in there so i’ll post below. I am now in my 3rd month an finally feeling good!!! AMEN!